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9/9/13 Beta version 0.970 is Released.

  • New “Add Pulse” AP mode button in toolbar. When “Add Pulse” mode is enabled, you can add pulses or edges to any signal in the diagram. The Buttons for H L Z X B are disabled when “Add Pulse” mode is disabled.
  • New “Show Hidden” button in the toolbar. Use this to show any hidden Pulse Width Labels, Constraints, or Delays. Use the pop-up menu to un-hide any selected hidden object. Use the pop-up menu to hide the object. The hidden objects are shown with a yellow background.
  • Selected objects are shown with dashed line red rectangle around the border. Use toolbar buttons to change color, font, and line styles and see the results immediately
  • New font select combobox and button in toolbar. You can easily change the font used for any text selected in the diagram with one click.
  • Added Differential Driver. Given an input signal, it creates differential signals. Delays from the original input signal can be added to model path delays or skew on each signal.
  • Added “Sync Clock” to DigitalSignal and DigitalBus. When adding pulses to a Signal or Bus, the clock above the signal is used by default if the Synchronous Clock is not specified. For example: How can I model clock tree skew? Add a Differential Driver with a DigitalClock named CLK as the input. Specify delays on both outputs CLK+ and CLK- to represent the different path delays and skew. Sounds like a good idea for another application note.
  • Updated the Python API. Updated functions with more consistent argument positions for addDigitalClock, addDigitalBus, and addDigitalSignal. This will break older scripts but the changes are very simple.

The following functions are recommended when adding signals to a timing diagram.

  • dclk = timDiagram.addDigitalClock(name, startState, freq)
  • dclk = timDiagram.addDigitalClock(name, startState, freq, dutyCyle)
  • dclk = timDiagram.addDigitalClock(name, startState, freq, dutyCyle, riseTime, fallTime)
  • dsig = timDiagram.addDigitalSignal(name, startState)
  • dsig = timDiagram.addDigitalSignal(name, startState, riseTime, fallTime)
  • dbus = timDiagram.addDigitalBus(name, startState, stateFormat)
  • dbus = timDiagram.addDigitalBus(name, startState, stateFormat, riseTime, fallTime)
  • The following functions have been removed.

The following functions have been removed.

  • timDiagram.addDigitalClock(dclk)
  • timDiagram.addDigitalSignal(dsig)
  • timDiagram.addDigitalBus(dbus)
  • Fixed addTimeWarp script function.
  • Plus other minor fixes and improvements.

5/2/13 Beta Version 0.960 is Released.

  • PulseWidthLabels, Text Labels, Constraints and Delays can moved across TimeWarps.
  • New Toolbar for quick way to add and edit edges and bus values.
  • Improved drawing algorithm with TimeWarps improves diagram load times and allows start times greater than 0.
  • Diagrams can start at a time greater than 0. This fixes a problem related to the scripts for the VHDL and Verilog monitors that were described in the app notes. If you captured signals from time t1 to time t2, the first edge would be wrong if t1 was not 0.
  • Added more error checking for edges that were moved and ended up at a time that is less than zero. This can happen when move multiple edges at one time.
  • Removed number of edges for each signal in the .tim file.
  • Other fixes and improvements

3/1/13 Beta Version 0.958 Is Coming.

Below is preliminary list of changes so far. Much more coming.

  • PulseWidthLabel can moved across TimeWarps. Once verified by users, this will be added to Delays and Constraints.
  • Added more error checking for edges that were moved and ended up at a time that is less than zero. This can happen when move multiple edges at one time.
  • Removed number of edges for each signal in the .tim file.


The script below can be used to generate a differential signal. It will be included in the distribution of the next version beta 0.957. Just select clocks or signals in the timing diagram and then run the script. It will add the differential signals for each selected signal. Save the script below as and put in the scripts directory so it can be executed from the program script panel:

import ta_utils
from org.dmad.ta import DigitalBus

td = taApp.getTimingDiagram()

selected_signal_list = td.getEditSigList()

for selected_signal in selected_signal_list:
    if not isinstance(selected_signal, DigitalBus):
        diff_signal = td.addDigitalSignal(selected_signal.getName() + "_diff",
        for sig_edge in selected_signal.getEdgeList():

Add the following function to It is called in above:

def invert(state):
    states = {
        "H": "L",
        "1": "L",
        "L": "H",
        "0": "H",
        "Z": "Z"
    return states.get(state)


Started a new timing diagram library. A place to hold scripts that generate timing diagrams for commonly used interfaces.


Added a FAQ. A place to look for answers to commonly asked questions.


Added new documentation. A scripting reference manual reference manual. Both are available in html and pdf. A users guide is coming.


Added move signal up and down buttons on the toolbar.

Jython scripts now use the standard libraries without the need for installing jython. The standalone jython.jar archive includes the standard libs, and is included in the jlib directory. When executing scripts from the File → Scripts menu, the interpreter is started and the os and sys libs are imported before executing the selected script file. You can also run scripts from the command line shell or dos window using the following commands:

c:\Apps\TimingAnalyzer_b951> java -jar jlib\jython.jar


The newest feature is ability to read VCD files and convert it to a timing diagram automatically. I have tested with Xilinx Chipscope and Modelsim VCD files. Modelsim VCD files don’t seem to contain buses so I added a function, “Bus Signals” to make buses from sequentially ordered signals like ADIO<31>, ADIO<30>, ADIO<29> … You have to hold the shift key and click on each signal to select multiple signals. Better signal group selections will be addressed in the next version. Selecting groups of signals will only take 2 clicks.

Refer to the documentation for more information


Added “Generate Timing Diagrams from Verilog Simulations” Application Note. This app note shows how to use Verilog to generate timing diagrams by writing text files which are Python scripts that the TimingAnalyzer executes to draw the diagram. A separate module in the example, sram_timing_diagram.v, includes all the source code use to generate the Python script. You can read it and download the example at: Generate Timing Diagrams from Verilog Simulations


Updated the “Generate Timing Diagrams from VHDL Simulations” Application Note. A separate component, sram_timing_diagram.vhd, is now used to generate the timing diagram Python script. Start and end time are specified as generic parameters so you can make timing diagrams of any window in time from the simulation. This could be used as a template and modified to generate timing diagrams for any interface. A python script could developed that automatically builds this file for given list of signals, anyone interested?


Added app notes that explain how to build timing diagrams directly from VHDL or Verilog. Refer to Generate Timing Diagrams from VHDL Simulations and Generate Timing Diagrams from Verilog Simulations